concerns inference for nonlinear partially-observed Markov process
models having a spatial unit structure in addition to the temporal
Markovian property of the latent process. Such a model is called a
SpatPOMP. For example, ecological metapopulation models consist of
spatial units corresponding to distinct, interacting sub-populations.
Each unit may itself consist of multiple interacting species. In
spatPomp, models can be represented by specifying the
latent dynamic process and how it is measured. The
spatPomp package builds on pomp, and
its base class, spatPomp
extends the pomp
class pomp
. Therefore, all algorithms and methods provided
by pomp are accessible in spatPomp.
However, practical analysis of high-dimensional systems can take
advantage of the additional unit structure that POMP models do not
necessarily possess.
Algorithms currently provided by spatPomp include the following:
In addition, the particle filter provided by pomp as
and the corresponding iterated filter,
, are useful for validating spatPomp
models and workflows on small subsets the spatial units.
spatPomp is currently in development. All are welcome to contribute methods or models, or any other feedback. Please let the developers know if you find spatPomp useful and if you publish results obtained using it!
The latest development version of spatPomp is available on GitHub and versions are occasionally uploaded to CRAN. Other relevant resources are:
A tutorial on spatiotemporal partially observed Markov process models via the R package spatPomp. pdf. R script. arxiv. GitHub.
A tutorial on the iterated block particle filter. pdf. R script. GitHub.
Papers using spatPomp include the following: